Historic Restoration at Old Economy


1827 – The date scribed in the eave of the house

Thanks for visiting with us.  I would assume in reading this you are at least curious of what’s going on in Old Economy, or that you may have a more serious interest in rehabbing a house or how that differs from a historic restoration, or the neighborhood around Old Economy.

No matter your level of interest we started this series of articles to tell you about all the exciting things happening in the Ambridge Historic District and about historic preservation.  We hope to explain why one would go to the effort of doing a historic restoration (returning a building back to a state or condition from an earlier era), but also how it is personally and possibly financially rewarding, a means of energizing a community or yourself, and a way of leaving your mark in this world.

Along with the philosophical reasoning we will also share some technical aspects of restoration, and along the way dispel any misconceptions about restoration, methods, sustainability, and even the skill level needed to do a historic restoration.  You’ll also meet some interesting people, and learn about a growing historic community.

So look for that and more.  Call or email a question and we’ll answer it in a future article.

Old Restorer